Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Brother Today

I think that Big Brother is watching us today in our everyday lives way more often than we would like to admit, or that we even realize. When you actually stop to think about the many places where you go that have cameras watching you, it's kind of shocking. For example, I work in a grocery store, and know that there are hundreds of cameras all throughout the store. I've been asked to help "watch the cameras" before to help catch shoplifters. It's crazy to think of the places all around us where we are being watched. While the whole novel might seem a little intense that Big Brother is always watching everyone, it makes you wonder how close we are to that at the current time. I feel like it seems a bit "conspiracy theorist" to say this, but are we always being watched in some way? How often are our phone records or even internet records searched through? Would we ever really even want to know?

I found this picture online and laughed when I first read it, but then the more I thought about it, the more I began to realize the sad truth behind it. Many of us allow people to watch or know what we are doing 24/7 through a Facebook page or likewise, and it doesn't even phase us. I guess Big Brother may not be a big government organization watching us. Maybe it's just us (our friends, our family, everyone else, etc.) always watching us.

1 comment:

  1. That picture made me laugh too. I never thought of big brother being our friends and family watching us, that was an interesting connection.
