Monday, February 21, 2011

Thoreau Challenge Days 4-7

Day 4.
Day 4 was a hard day. I kept thinking about how much longer I had to go in the week, and was realllllllllllllllllllllly missing my iPod. A lot. I ended up having to drive around a few places, and it was difficult to fight the urge to turn on the music in my car. I was really glad that it was at least somewhat nice outside so I could open my window a bit to have some sound. I ended up playing my guitar for about two hours to have some music, which was pretty awesome given that I had been meaning to play for a few days and haven't gotten a chance. I also got a lot of reading, both for classes, and for fun done.

Day 5.
Part of today was difficult. Every Friday, I end up driving home to work for the weekend after I get out of class. I live in Mechanicsburg and it takes about 45 minutes or so to actually drive home. I had decided that I was going to be good though and not listen to music the entire way home. Definitely not the most fun drive I've ever had in my life. The drive seemed to completely drag on as I passed each mile marker on the highway. Luckily, the rest of the day I spent at work, so I was too busy to really think about using my cell phone or any of that stuff.

Day 6.
Again today I ended up working pretty much all of the day. It was kinda weird that I didn't even really know where my cell phone was for the entire day but didn't really seem to care about it either. At work of course, I end up having to use the phone and computers and such all day long, and it was really a good change of pace from the week itself. I came home to my parents watching a movie on TV. They ended up turning it off as I walked in the door so that I wouldn't be watching it at all.

Day 7.
The last day of the challenge. I hung out with a few of my friends that I had seen the day before at work and we had set something up. It was hard to figure things out without having my phone to use to text or call people. I actually think the last day was the hardest day. I kept wanting it to go by quickly so that I could use my phone, listen to music, watch a movie, all of that fun stuff. I just kept thinking though, I've already made it this far, what's one more day? Definitely could not wait to use all of my technology though as soon as I could.

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