Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thoreau Challenge Days 1 - 3

Hi my name is Rachel and I've been technologically sober (for the most part) for three days now. Yes this is what I have actually been telling my friends when I start to tell them about my participation in the "Thoreau Challenge". So far it has definitely been an interesting experience, as I figured it would be. Following is my experience so far, day by day.

Day One.
To get ready for my technology free week, I let my friends and family know what I was doing and told them if the really needed me, that my phone would still be on and to call me in case of an emergency. I set up my cell phone so that the only thing I can do on it is receive phone calls and use my alarm. I apparently forgot to tell some of my friends though, because when I ran into them on campus, they all told me they had sent me texts and wanted to know why I hadn't responded. All in all, the first day was not really all that hard.

Day Two.
My second day became a little bit more difficult. My roommate came back to the apartment and decided to watch a movie in her room. It just so happened, that she had to pick one of my favorite movies to watch and I could hear it from my room. I explained to her what I was doing, and she has been trying to watch her movies or listen to music with headphones so that I don't have to relapse into my technological addictions. It's really funny trying to explain the technology free week. Pretty much everyone that I told about this either asked why I would do it, or they just completely thought I was nuts for even trying it. Is our society already so obsessed with technology that the majority of us could not even live without it for a day? I ended up doing a lot of reading on my second day and read ahead for a lot of my classes. I had to use my computer for a lot of homework, given that many of my classes involve doing a lot, if not all, of the homework with typing and such. So far, I've done very well though with not going to other sites or doing things on my computer other than homework.

Day Three.
This would be today. Not going to lie, I totally had a dream about texting last night. Definitely one of the strangest dreams I've ever had. I woke up to find myself moving my thumbs on my pillow like I was trying to actually send a text. The funny thing is, I really don't even text or call people on my phone all that much. I haven't even taken my phone with me anywhere, it has stayed plugged in to the charger, on silent, next to my bed since Sunday night. The hardest thing for me so far, has definitely been the fact that I haven't been listening to my iPod. I am ALWAYS listening to music on my iPod, on the way to class, in my car, doing homework, getting ready in the morning. I really don't have a big problem with cutting out watching TV shows, given that I don't have cable hooked up in my apartment even. I do typically watch a lot of movies though, and I'm definitely missing that. I'm thinking I'm going to have to break out my guitar tomorrow so I can play some music before I go insane. I think it's also going to be hard that the weekend is coming up and I'm going to want to watch a movie or something during my free time.

Oh well, three days down, four to go. I can do this. Here's to hoping my week of technology rehab works, and I don't relapse before then.

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