Monday, February 21, 2011

Advertisements via Feed

If I had my own feed I'm sure there would be some interesting advertisements that would pop up for me. I'm pretty sure the one that would pop up the most often would be for Red Bull.
I'm totally addicted to caffeine in general, especially Red Bull. I feel like this would be a consistent advertisement on my feed.

If I wasn't getting advertisements for Red Bull, I'd probably be getting advertisements for my iPod. I'd be getting information about new models, or what music to download, what music to listen to, etc.

I feel like I would constantly be getting information about the Yankees as well. I'm a huge Yankees fan, and I would be getting constant score updates and other general updates about the team itself.

Last but not least, I would be getting tons of advertisements for Giant. I work at Giant, and feel as though sometimes, my job has taken over my life completely. The majority of my friends and such are through Giant, and I (sadly) end up spending much of my time there.


  1. I'm addicted to redbull too! I even have a little redbull fridge in my room at home haha

  2. These are really interesting advertisements! I'm sure there would always be ones for ipod and a lot of music in general. It seems like the feed would be where you would find out all the interesting things on stuff it thinks you like. It scary to think it could be in your mind all the time though.

  3. Red bull is always great to have when you need a quick boost of energy, but I get sick when I have to much of it. I love baseball too, but not the Yankees, I am a Phillies fan. Giant has great deals, especially when you have their card, and surprisingly I do not own an i-pod (only because mine went through the wash 2 weeks ago).
